Warwick Legal Network

Italy: Marcello Pollio of bureau Plattner for Newspaper Milano


Prof. Marcello Pollio of bureau Plattner, as independent professional, has drawn up the attestation report of the debt restructuring agreement of Newspaper Milano S.r.l. submitted pursuant to article 182 bis of the bankruptcy law.

The Court of Milan decided to approve the debt restructuring agreement with a decree dated July 22, 2021, acknowledging the lack of adhesion of the social security and tax authorities, basing its judgment on the completeness and adequacy of the independent professional’s attestation.

Newspaper Milano S.r.l. was assisted in the preparation of the appeal by the firm of lawyer Fabio Iozzo, assisted by lawyer Antonio D’Addario. The tax aspects were handled by Stefania Chiaruttini and Giovanni Falconieri. The professionals involved were coordinated by Dr. Enrico Stasi.

Newspaper Milano S.r.l. is a company that manages periodicals aimed at a managerial target in the economic-financial sector.

The homologation decree can be read in full at the following link https://ristrutturazioniaziendali.ilcaso.it/uploads/admin_editor/decreto-omologazione-newspaper_.pdf


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