Siegrid Reitsma – Lawyer
Siegrid works in the Real Estate and Tenancy Law division. Her work in general real estate practice includes litigating on behalf of clients and advising them with regard to leases, sale and purchase agreements, non-conformity issues and rental disputes, among other matters. Siegrid places great importance on personal contact with her clients. Her communication style is accessible, level-headed and clear.
Siegrid graduated from the University of Groningen in 2022, having obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Dutch Law and completed a Master’s specialisation in private law. While studying she worked in a number of jobs, including for a firm of estate agents in Groningen, where she discovered her passion for real estate and tenancy law. This was followed by a work experience placement at the Civil Law division of the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal, Leeuwarden location. She then chose to remain as a court clerk, during which time she attended many different civil court cases. In the final phase of her Master’s programme, she worked as a legal assistant at a law firm. Siegrid joined the Real Estate and Tenancy Law division in December 2022.